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Quinlan Economic Development Corporation
Property Enhancement Incentive Policy (PEIP) 


This  program  is  a  matching  grant  program  that  reimburses  commercial  property  owners  or  business  operators for Eligible Enhancements made to the Property. 

The goals of this Policy are to:

1.1. Enhance the commercial viability and sustainability of commercial properties in the City;

1.2. Improve the physical appearance of businesses and visibly enhance the City’s commercial corridors;

1.3. Increase the marketability and occupancy rate of commercial buildings hindered by an outdated

1.4. Increase the safety of a commercial area and stimulate more public interaction; and

1.5. Provide incentives in areas and to businesses most likely to stimulate similar enhancements by other
       private entities.


The PEIP is for sales tax generating retail and commercial business owners and building owners within the City of Quinlan. Program funding is only for commercial building.


Through the PEIP , the QEDC will provide up to a 50% matching grant (up to $10,000) to businesses or building owners who construct eligible improvements to their buildings. The business building owner who will be funding the majority of the improvements must apply  for and be approved by the QEDC in order to receive the 50% matching grant. Only Applicant's cash expenditures may be used as a grant match, in-kind contributions by Applicant or on behalf of Applicant will not be considered in determining funding amounts.


Click here for complete details and application.



Quinlan Old.jpg

Quinlan Funeral Home Façade

Removed enclosed porch opening it up with cedar posts
and new lighting. Replaced roof with a copper metal one.

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1111 W. Main Street
Front Façade Facelift by TooDash Properties

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125 W. Main Street
Front Façade Facelift by TooDash Properties

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